This is where I explore the world of python and all the wonderful things it can do. These scripts range from games to task-specific scripts to other interesting applications that I discover whilst on this journey.
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Binary ConverterAs a lover of binary numbers and cryptography, I decided to work on a python script that could convert text into a binary equivalent and re-convert the output back into text so that you're able to send encrypted messages to an individual with the same script without anyone who could potentially intercept the message understanding what is written.
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University Grade CalculatorA common problem I found at university was people's inability to calculate their final result, which drove the production of this script. This calculates your overall university grade based on the Standard University Grading criteria for both Master and Bachelor programs.
Times Table GameHere I recreate a game that I once played as a kid. This game was to help in the development of mental arithmetic for children by simply challenging them with a random assortment of questions based on a selected times table. I developed this game to be played within the terminal/console.